Balikpapan. As a form of appreciation for the major role of the media in supporting the smooth running of the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada), the East Kalimantan Regional Police Mobile Brigade Unit held a Friday Curhat activity with Balikpapan press personnel, at Wajra Ceyna Beach.
The Head Mobile Brigade Unit of East Kalimantan Regional Police, Senior Superintendent Andi Rifai, expressed his gratitude to the press who have presented accurate and reliable information to the public, thereby contributing to the success of the election in East Kalimantan.
On his occasion, he mentioned that the Regional Head Election in East Kalimantan has a strategic value, especially with the presence of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN), which makes this area a national spotlight. The media in East Kalimantan is considered very active in covering every stage of the election, from preparation to implementation.
“Media has covered our preparation from personnel deployment to our role in securing the election logistics distribution. They also covered the various stages of the election, such as the Mantap Praja operation and city security simulation , to convey information to the public in a transparent manner," he explained.
He further emphasized that even though the voting stages have been completed, his party remains fully committed to overseeing the election until the entire process is complete.
"In general, the 2024 Regional Head Election in East Kalimantan is running safely, smoothly, and conducively. However, we cannot let our guard down as the election stages are still ongoing, and we remain ready to provide maximum security," he explained.
At the end of the opportunity, he expressed his highest appreciation to the press for factual reporting and in accordance with conditions in the field during the election.