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Police, Military, Locals, Work Together in Clearing Road Access to Two Hamlets

By Admin INP Jumat, 31 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (115) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Pekalongan. A joint military-police team together with the locals cleared the access to two hamlets which were initially isolated due to being buried by landslide materials in Pekalongan, Central Java. The two hamlets are Dranan Hamlet and Sipetung Hamlet.

The Head of Pekalongan Sub-regional Police Public Information Sub-division, First Police Inspector Suwarti says that currently the road connecting the two hamlets is starting to be accessible by motorbike. It cannot be denied that the high intensity of rain is an obstacle for the joint team in opening road access, even though heavy equipment is also being deployed.

“The joint team of military, police, and locals are working together in clearing the access in several locations that cuts the access of Yosorejo Village,” says Suwarti on Wednesday (1/29/2025).

He revealed that the cleaning of landslide material was also assisted with heavy equipment, considering the depth of the landslide and the large amount of large rock material. On the other hand, the process of distributing logistical aid continues until it reaches the homes of affected residents.

"By opening this road access, it will facilitate residents' activities both to the sub-district and to other places by motorbike instead of walking,” concludes Suwarti.


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