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Police Reveals the Motive Behind Domestic Violence in Bekasi

By Pramudita Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (287) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Bekasi. Police reveal the motive behind the domestic abuse committed by FAF to his wife MA. The abuse itself has started since 2021.

“The point is, it is because of their economic situation,” said the Bekasi City Sub-regional Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Chief, Police Assistant Superintendent Audy Joize Oroh when confirmed on Wednesday (8/28/2024).

He explains that according to the suspect statement, he admits that he did the criminal actions. The cruel act began when his wife asked for money transparency from him.

Audy continues that investigators have asked a psychiatrist for a mental health review. The doctor also gave their recommendations to the victim’s family.

“According to the results of a mental health review by the doctor, it shows that there is an indication of stress,” conclues Audy.


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