- Malang. Malang Sub-regional Police immediately sent their rescue team to handle the traffic accident at Pandaan-Malang Toll RoaD.
The incident involves a bus and animal feed transport truck on the Pandaan - Malang Toll Road.
Malang Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Putu Kholis Aryana, who was at the scene explained that the accident started when the truck loaded with animal feed could not climb the hill.
"The truck stopped on the shoulder of the road and was blocked by the driver, but the block was not strong enough so the truck rolled back uncontrollably," said AKBP Putu Kholis at the scene.
When the truck rolled back, a Tirto Agung bus was driving from behind at high speed and could not avoid it, causing a major collision.
The bus overturned and lay across the middle of the road, while the truck suffered severe damage to the rear.
The incident resulted in four deaths, including the driver of the Tirto Agung bus.
A joint team consisting of the police, military, Jasa Marga officials, ambulances, and local residents were immediately deployed to evacuate the victims and secure the location.
In the evacuation effort, the joint team identified four victims to be dead, while the others are suffering minor to major injuries.
Until now, the identities of several victims who died are still in the process of being identified using fingerprint methods and coordination with related parties.
The Tirto Agung bus was known to be carrying a group of 40 students from the Integrated Islamic Middle School from Gunung Putri, Bogor.