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BNN Reveals 14 Drug International Networks Throughout 2024

By Pramudita Jumat, 27 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (119) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN), throughout the year of 2024 have revealed 14 international drug ring syndicates.

Head of BNN Marthinus Hukom explains that one of the ways the international drug ring syndicate transporting their illicit items is through air transportation with the mode of sending packages between countries.

“Such as the method used by Gregor Haas group who is part of the South American cartel, the Sinaloa Cartel from Mexico,” explains Marthinus Hukom on Tuesday (12/24/2024).

In addition, he said that international network syndicates also use water transportation to smuggle the narcotics into Indonesia.

According to the Head of the BNN RI, international network narcotics syndicates exploit the dark areas of the sea and use traditional ships made of wood and synthetic fibers, such as those used by the group from Tawau, Malaysia.

Meanwhile, smuggling attempts via land are still in favor and have been thwarted by the BNN.

"Along the West Kalimantan border, the BNN together with Customs and Excise and the Border Security Task Force have repeatedly thwarted the smuggling of crystal methamphetamine and ecstasy at various entry points. Around 100 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and ecstasy were successfully confiscated by securing six Indonesian citizens (WNI) and three foreign nationals," explained the Head of the BNN RI.

Furthermore, he said that in addition to international network syndicates involving foreign nationals, the BNN has also succeeded in uncovering narcotics smuggling controlled by Indonesian citizens abroad.

"The Indonesian citizen has been designated as a fugitive under the name Dewi Astuti, and until now is still abroad," said Hukom.

He explained that the BNN in this case is working together with the police from other countries and related agencies at home and abroad to hunt down and repatriate the fugitives to Indonesia to be held accountable for their actions.


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