- Kendari. The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police deployed 3,043 joint personnel for the security of 2024 Christmas and New Year 2025.
Head of the Operational Bureau of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Brigadier General Tumpal Damayanus, explained that his party had carried out a troop roll call to check the readiness of all personnel involved in the 2024 Lilin Anoa Operation.
"So, today we are holding a troop roll call to check readiness of our personnel as tomorrow is the day we will begin the Operation Lilin Anoa, starting from December 21st, 2024 to January 2nd, 2025," he explained.
That many personnel consist of a combination of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, sub-regional police ranks, Indonesian Navy, Air Force, and Army personnel and related stakeholders such as National Search and Rescue Agency, health services, firefighters, civil service police units, and security guards.
In the implementation of Operation Lilin Anoa 2024, his party established 55 security posts, 24 service posts, and six integrated posts.
Furthermore, security will be carried out in crowded places that will become centers of community gatherings such as malls, churches, and tourist attractions.
"Our goal is to reduce the number of accidents, untangle traffic jams, maintain public order and security, prevent crimes, and supervise the distribution of basic necessities," he added.
In securing Christmas 2024, his party will stationed five personnel in each church who will be assisted by the church youth, civil service police units, and the health office.