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Tag 'Central Java'


Minister PU Accelerate Access Opening in Handling Pekalongan Landslide and Flood

Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo said that his party is accelerating the opening of access and installation of Bailey bridges in handling landslides and floods in Petungkriyono District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java.


Rail Track Collapse Due to Flooding in Grobogan: BNPB

The railway track between Gubug and Karangjati stations in Grobogan, Central Java, has collapsed again due to flooding caused by the overflowing Tuntang River.  Learn more.


Shallow Earthquake in Pacitan Triggered by Megathrust Activity: BMKG

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency confirmed that a shallow tectonic earthquake in East Java, and parts of Central Java, triggered by subduction activity in the megathrust zone. Learn more.


Three TV One Crews Died Following Car Accident on Pemalang Toll Road

The police confirmed the car accident of TV One crew in Pemalang Toll Road, Central Java, this morning. Police says there are five people involved in the accident.

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