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Tag 'Extortion'


Involved in Threats and Extortion, Police Examines a Celebrity and Her Assistant

Investigators from the Cyber ​​Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police have questioned actress Nikita Mirzani and her assistant with the initials IM related to a case of alleged threats and extortion.


Industry Minister Urges Satpol PP to Guard Industrial Zones from Gang-Related Disruptions

Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, has urged Civil Service Police, better known locally as Satpol PP, across the nation to help secure industrial zones from premanism. Learn more,


Foreign Ministry Addresses Extortion Cases Involving Chinese Citizens

Ministry of Foreign Affairs  is coordinating with various government agencies and ministries to resolve extortion cases involving Chinese citizens at Indonesian airports. Learn more.


Allegedly Involved in Extortion Case, NTB Head of Education Office Examined by Police

The Criminal Investigation Unit of Mataram Sub-regional City Police is rescheduling the examination of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Head of Education and Culture, Aidy Furqan.

Criminal National

Two Police Members Demoted Following the Involvement in DWP Extortion Case

The Indonesian National Police (INP) announced ethical sanctions for two members with the initials Brigadier FRS and SM for alleged extortion at DWP.

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