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Turangga Mantap Praja Ops Socialize and Educate Public for Smooth Election Situation

By Pramudita Jumat, 01 November 2024 Pengunjung (159) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Kupang. The Community Development Sub-task Force of Turangga Mantap Praja Ops went to the community, especially workers around Jembatan Selam, LLBK Village, Kupang City for socialization and education in support of the smooth and peaceful 2024 Regional Head Elections in the area.

The activity was led by Community Development Sub-task Force Chief, Police Assistant Superintendent Wayan Sunarta with the focus in educating the public about maintaining safety and order during elections period.

"We invite the public not to be easily provoked by issues that can divide our unity. Let us together maintain unity during this campaign process," said Wayan.

Wayan Sunarta also reminded the public to be wise in using social media and not to be easily fooled by hoax news.

"Spread the information only if you are certain that it is true, and make sure to filter every news you receive. Don't spread the news that could worsen the situation," explained Wayan on Thursday (10/31/2024)

With this activity, it is hoped that the community will play an active role in maintaining stability during the Regional Head Election. The Community Development Sub-task Force of Turangga Mantap Praja Ops is committed to continuing to provide education and work together with the community in realizing a peaceful and conducive election situation in the East Nusa Tenggara.


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