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BNN Calls for Collaboration in Supervising Rehabilitation Institutions

By Pramudita Senin, 09 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (137) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Main Secretary (Sestama) of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Inspector General of Police Tantan Sulistyana invited ministries/institutions to jointly supervise the services of rehabilitation institutions for drug abusers or addicts in Indonesia.

He explained that rehabilitation institutions are not only owned by BNN, but there are also those under ministries/institutions such as the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), so that supervision must be carried out together to improve the quality of services to the community.

"There are some that belong to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health as those who have the authority to grant operational permits. We also have an obligation to carry out standard coaching, so this is what must be synergized and communicated," said  Tantan on Friday (12/6/2024).

He further explained that in the future there must be joint activities in the framework of supervision, coaching, including joint control.

This is important, in order to prevent individuals who want to use rehabilitation institutions as a place to reap maximum profits, without thinking about service standards or being oriented towards patient recovery.

"This is to close the space or gaps that can be exploited by individuals who exploit this for financial interests or profit only, that's why it must be anticipated," said Sestama BNN RI.

He stated that BNN has begun efforts to synergize and create opportunities to carry out joint activities.

One of them is by actively creating interactive dialogues to listen to the views of all stakeholders related to the implementation of rehabilitation institutions.

According to him, by carrying out such activities, the best solution or way to accelerate the common interests of all stakeholders will be obtained.


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