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Commemorating National Maritime Day, Marine Activist Highlights Challenges Faced by Local Fishermen

By Pramudita Selasa, 24 September 2024 Pengunjung (282) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Commemorating National Maritime Day 2024, Chairman of the Natuna Fishermen's Alliance, Hendry, discussed the challenges faced by fishermen in his area. The main issues highlighted were the impact of mining and illegal fishing practices that threaten the sustainability of local fishermen's livelihoods.

Hendry explained one of the main challenges is the mining plan, including the mining sea sand and quartz sand. The negative impacts of mining can damage the sea environment and reduce fishermen's catches.

"This mining has a direct impact on the lives of traditional fishermen, especially because of the waste that flows into the sea and the coast. And fishermen who use simple tools now have to compete with large ships that steal their catch," he said on Monday (9/23/2024).

He notes the lack of government support for the local fishermen in managing sustainable marine resources as well as weak law enforcement against illegal fishing. This issue greatly affects the welfare of local fishermen.

The problem also forced many fishermen to look for fish in other states, such as in Malaysia, to meet their needs. Hendry also notes that Indonesians were forced to look for fish in other states as there are many Vietnamese large ships who fish illegally in Indonesian waters.

"We can't stop fishing, this is our livelihood, fishermen's life depends on the catch. In the past, fishermen could earn up to 10 million per month, now, just to earn 3 million or 4 million alone is very difficult," he explained.

On the National Maritime Day 2024, Hendry highlights that the day is an important moment to raise awareness of the problems faced by fishermen. He hopes that the government can provide better attention and protection for local fishermen.


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