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Criminal Rates and Traffic Violation Goes Down in West Sulawesi

By Pramudita Selasa, 31 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (145) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Mamuju. The West Sulawesi Regional Police held a press release at the end of 2024 on Monday (12/30/2024) at the Marannu Hall of the West Sulawesi Regional Police HQ. The press release was held to convey the performance report of the West Sulawesi Regional Police throughout the year, from their notable case uncovering to other achievements.

The West Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Adang Ginanjar in his remarks expressed his appreciation to all public elements, particularly the media in maintaining a conducive situation, both in general and in particular events such as elections and long-holidays.

Moreover, Adang conveys to the media attending the release that there is a decrease in criminal case number in 2024 compared to the previous year. This is certainly inseparable from the participation of all parties and the active role of the West Sulawesi Regional Police in carrying out patrol activities and providing regular public order and security appeals.

The decline in crime rates also shows the commitment of the West Sulawesi Regional Police to eradicating crime and creating a sense of security for the community.

Meanwhile, for traffic violation data, there was a decrease in the number of traffic violations by 22%. From traffic violation data in 2023, there were 9,412 violations and decreased to 7,374 in 2024. This is thanks to the continuous efforts made by the Traffic Directorate in socializing traffic safety and enforcing the law against traffic violations.

In addition to conveying the disclosure of criminal and traffic cases, Adang also acknowledged the various achievements of the West Sulawesi Regional Police throughout 2024, especially in the field of sports from the Provincial to National levels.

The West Sulawesi Regional Police Chief at the end of his presentation also emphasized that the Year-End Press Release is part of the transparency and accountability of the West Sulawesi Regional Police to the public.

"We want to show that the West Sulawesi Regional Police continues to strive to provide the best for the community in maintaining security and order so that it remains conducive," concluded the Regional Police Chief.


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