- Jakarta. Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian fully supports the implementation of the 2024 National Christmas celebration which will take place on December 28, 2024 at the Indonesia Arena Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Jakarta.
To the Minister of Home Affairs, the General Chairperson of the 2024 National Christmas Committee Thomas AM Djiwandono reported the plan for the 2024 National Christmas celebration. In addition to holding the peak of the Christmas celebration at the Indonesia Arena GBK, the Committee has also held a number of series of activities such as social service activities that take place in various regions. This includes social service for victims of the eruption of Mount Lewotobi in East Flores Regency.
Moreover, the plan is that the Christmas celebration will also be held in Manado City, North Sulawesi, along with the peak of the Christmas celebration at GBK, Jakarta. In addition, the General Chair of the Committee Thomas asked for direction and support from the Minister of Home Affairs to make the event a success.
In response, the Minister of Home Affairs will direct the acting regional heads in the Greater Jakarta area to provide support if needed.
The Minister of Home Affairs also directed the Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Special Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs Kastorius to coordinate with related parties to make the event a success.
On the other hand, based on his experience in holding similar massive activities, the Minister of Home Affairs suggested that the committee really check the preparations for the celebration in detail.
He also appealed for the importance of anticipating things that could hamper the activity procession, including weather conditions.
Then, the Minister of Home Affairs also proposed that the Christmas celebration at GBK be connected online with several regions, such as East Flores Regency and Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province and also Papua regions.
The participation of each province can be done online and connected live to the GKB in each provincial capital.
"The Christmas celebration will bring comfort and a sense of unity and peace after the Regional Head Election contestation in Papua," said the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian.