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KPAI Appreciates Police Quick Act in Handling Sexual Abuse Against Minor

By Pramudita Jumat, 06 September 2024 Pengunjung (192) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) says have coordinated with local partners and related parties for the sexual abuse against a 13 year old. The abuse was committed by the school principal and the case was reported by the victim’s mother.

“We are concerned by the tragedy felt by T. Repeated sexual abuse obviously can give negative impact on physical, psychological, mental, and social of the victim," said KPAI Commissioner Dian Sasmita in a written statement on Monday (9/2/2024).

She urges that the sexual abuse case of T must be resolved and should not be settled outside formal courts as per Article 23 of the Sexual Abuse Criminal Law. Therefore, KPAI appreciates the Sumenep Sub-regional Police Chief who has quickly handled this case.

Furthermore, she states that investigators must inform the victim and Witness and Victim Protection Agency of their right to restitution. This is important and is the right of the victim's child for the suffering they have experienced.

“Other than legal handling, victims need to be ensured that their rights to legal assistance and rapid psychosocial recovery are fulfilled," she explained.

In addition, the Sumenep regional government with the existing service institution also must provide professional staff (psychologists, social workers, lawyers) as they are the rights of victims, including their right to access education.


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