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Tag 'KPAI'


KPAI Appreciates INP in Uncovering the Sexual Abuse Case on Minor in NTT

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) appreciates the performance of the Indonesian National Police (INP) in uncovering the sexual abuse of the former Ngada Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Fajar Widyadharma Lukman Sumaatmaja.


KPAI Invites Public to Make Ramadan a Momentum to Fulfil the Rights of Children

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) invites the public to make the month of Ramadan a momentum to build a child-friendly movement, especially in efforts to fulfill children's rights.


Protecting Children in Digital Spaces, KPAI Highlights the Use of Age Restrictions

The government and various child protection institutions have paid  serious attention in guaranteeing safe digital spaces for kids.


Experts Support Social Media Access Limitation for Kids

Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Commissioner of Child Rights Fulfillment Cluster, Aris Adi Leksono, supports the step taken by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in limiting child access to social media. The government policy is considered vital in protecting the child’s growth from the exposure of negative social media effects.


KPAI Appreciates INP for Arresting Online Gambling Collaborators in the Ministry

The success of Indonesian National Police (INP) in revealing the involvement of several Communication and Digital Ministry staff with online gambling has garnered appreciation from various parties, one of which are from the Indonesian Children Protection Commission (KPAI).


Violent Approach on Students Must be Abolished: KPAI Says

Responding against abuse experienced by Islamic Boarding School students in West Barat, the The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) requested that the approach to educating students through violence to be erased.


Mass Media Invited to Support Child Labor Prevention Effort in Indonesia

Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) invites the mass media to join their support in preventing child labor as the mass media has the vital role in spreading the information and education to the public.


KPAI Appreciates Police Quick Act in Handling Sexual Abuse Against Minor

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) says have coordinated with local partners and related parties for the sexual abuse against a 13 year old. The abuse was committed by the school principal and the case was reported by the victim’s mother.

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