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Member of INP International Relations Division Joins Police Academy Exchange in UEA

By Admin INP Rabu, 12 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (113) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Member of Indonesian National Police (INP) International Relations Division, Police Senior Inspector Muhammad Yogie Pratama to represent Indonesia in the Police Academy Exchange Program in Abu Dhabi Police College.

A total of 53 police members from 30 countries are participating in the program held at International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) in collaboration with the Uni Emirates Arab (UEA) Interior Ministry.

The training provided in the program will include subjects on law, police, security, police administration, specialized unit training, marching exercises, physical training, and shooting.

The program serves as a study exchange between police forces around the world, particularly the host country and the invited countries.

"I congratulate all the graduates and their families on this achievement, and I wish them every success in serving their country and society with wise leadership, dedication and sincerity," said UAE Minister of Interior, Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan on Tuesday (2/11/2025).

On the other hand, INP International Relations Division official, Senior Superintendent Priyo Waseso states that through this program, INP will be known on the international stage. Moreover, the Bhayangkara Corps would gain more connections in the International Police which will make the coordination on international crimes to be easier.


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