- Jakarta. Minister of Communication and Digital Meutya Hafid emphasized the importance of the role of the media as the fourth pillar to oversee democracy in providing constructive input for government programs.
"The media is not just a provider of information, but also a strategic partner of the government in ensuring that President Prabowo's Asta Cita priority programs can run according to expectations," said Meutya on Friday (12/6/2024).
Meutya reminds that the media has a long history in supporting state development. Amidst the rapid development of the technology, media faces huge challenges such as tight competition, dynamics of digital platforms, and shifts in information consumption patterns by society.
In the context of President Prabowo Subianto's Asta Cita Work Program, the Minister of Communication and Digital highlighted the first point which emphasizes the importance of strengthening the ideology of Pancasila, democracy, and Human Rights.
Prabowo emphasized that strengthening democracy must be realized by guaranteeing responsible press freedom.
Meutya, given examples of priority programs such as nutritious eating campaigns, can be supported by the media by reporting developments in the field objectively.
According to her, media input is very necessary to improve program implementation, especially in the regions.
"We may not be able to directly see the details of the implementation in the field. The role of the media is very important to provide a clear picture. And media input is able to ensure the success of the program for the community," explained Meutya.
She also appreciated the media that remained amidst the dominance of social media. Although the competition is getting tighter, she considered conventional media to have its own strengths, such as the ability to present in-depth writing and analysis that may not be found in digital media.
"Conventional media has the advantage of presenting credible and verified information. This is a very important added value, especially in an era where cybersecurity threats and disinformation are increasing," said Meutya.
Therefore, Meutya encourages the media to continue to adapt to the changing times, while maintaining journalistic integrity and quality.
She hopes that local media can also be a force to build optimism in society through constructive news.