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PMI and Workforce Ministries Collaborates to Send 425,000 High Quality Migrants

By Admin INP Sabtu, 25 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (139) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection (P2MI) Abdul Kadir Karding stated that his party will enhance their collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower to achieve the target of sending 425,000 PMI in 2025.

The Minister of P2MI stated that prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) can be trained in the Ministry of Manpower vocational training which are being optimized to meet the target of training participants.

He said that achieving the placement target of 425,000 PMI this year will bring great benefits both for the ministry's increasingly positive performance and in achieving the government's foreign exchange target.

He also hopes that from the target of 1 million training participants at the vocational training center launched by Minister of Manpower Yassierli, 50,000-100,000 participants can be focused for placement abroad.

He said the transition team between the two ministries that has been formed will optimize its work to ensure that services for PMI are not disrupted.

In addition to a number of functions whose division has been determined between the two ministries, functions that are still being carried out together will be processed gradually during the transition period.

"We have also agreed that the technical matters that have not yet completed the transition will be accelerated, with the note that communication must be maintained well," explained the Minister of P2MI.

Furthermore, Yassierli highlighted the importance of the cooperation between the two ministries, which have the same interests and goals in developing a competent workforce and to achieve the target of 1 million participants in the Ministry of Manpower's vocational training centers.


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