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Police Professional and Security Division Open to Criticism and Suggestions from Public

By Pramudita Jumat, 27 September 2024 Pengunjung (315) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Head of the Police Professional and Security Division, Inspector General Abdul Karim led the coordination meeting held at the Police Science College, Jakarta on Thursday (9/26/2024).

On this occasion, Abdul relays his commander's wish in front of members of all Police Professional and Security Division personnel that all police forces must be ready to accept public criticism.

“All problems that occur in regions that involve our members must be handled firmly and transparently to show that we are open to criticism. Every criticism and suggestions from the public must be taken seriously,” explains Abdul.

Abdul also states that by listening to the criticism and suggestions from the public, police institution can further improve their service to the people.

He also explains that his division which is tasked to oversee the work and performance of the police force are the division who often get criticized by the people.

"Based on the data we have received, yes, there are many complaints coming from the people. From those complaints, most of them are the matter of law enforcement. Usually, many complaints come from the public as they were detained unreasonably or find unprofessionalism from the police force, and so on," explained the Head of the Police Professional and Security Division.

Abdul adds that some people also complained due to slow service by the police force. He admits that these complaints become his focus in improving his division.

“This has come to our attention as we are making sure that the law enforcement process is going professionally and unbiased,” concludes Abdul.


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