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Tag 'KKEP'


Metro Jaya Regional Police Sentenced PTDH and Demotion to Five Members

Metro Jaya Regional Police revealed the results of the trial of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) for abuse of authority in handling murder cases. In the trial, there were five people who were identified as the violators.


Metro Jaya Regional Police to Hold KKEP Hearing Against Five Alleged Violators

The Professional and Security Division (Bidpropam) of the Metro Jaya Regional Police held a hearing of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) regarding allegations of abuse of authority and extortion.


Two Members Involved in DWP Extortion Demoted

The Police Professional and Security Division of Metro Jaya Regional Police held another Police Professional Ethics Code (KKEP) Hearing related to the Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) extortion case. The first trial was carried out by the violator with the initials HJS.

Criminal National

Involved in DWP Extortion Case, D Sentenced with Five-year Demotion

The Police Professional and Security Division of Indonesian National Police sanctioned a police member involved in the Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) extortion case.

Criminal National

Police Code of Ethics Commission for Djakarta Warehouse Project Case Continues

The Police Professional and Security Division of Indonesian National Police (INP) returned to hold the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) hearing regarding alleged extortion in Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP).


Police Continue the Trial of Members Alleged to be Involved in DWP Extortion Case

The Indonesian National Police (INP) Police Professional and Security Section continue the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial of 16 members suspected of extorting people in DWP concerts. The trial was held starting at 09.00 WIB.

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