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Tag 'Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection'


Government Accelerate the Completion of Child Protection in the Digital Space Road Map

The government is speeding the completion of the Presidential Regulation Bill (Raperpres) on Child Protection in the Digital Space Road Map.


Minister Arifah Fauzi Pushed for Women Leadership at the Government Level

The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Arifah Fauzi, encourages the representation of female leaders in the public sector. She emphasized the importance of female leadership in strategic positions in the public sector to realize gender equality.


Minister Arifah Visits Teen Accused of Family Stabbing in South Jakarta

Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Arifah Fauzi visited a 14-year-old teenager accused of stabbing his mother, and fatally attacking his father and grandmother at their home in South Jakarta. Read more!

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