- Jakarta. The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Arifah Fauzi, encourages the representation of female leaders in the public sector. She emphasized the importance of female leadership in strategic positions in the public sector to realize gender equality.
Arifah said that although the rule of 30 percent minimum representation of women in parliament already exists, she encouraged that women's representation in High Leadership Positions (JPT) at the government level also needs to be pursued.
"Women face many challenges, ranging from discrimination, marginalization, to stereotypes in society. These challenges are barriers for women to achieve equal opportunities in various fields, including leadership in the public sector," she said on Friday (12/6/2024).
According to her, several strategic steps have been taken by the government to increase women's representation. Including through regulations that mandate a minimum of 30 percent women's representation in parliament.
She said unfortunately this 30 percent target has not been fully achieved, both in parliament and the public sector. In parliament currently the number of women's representation has only reached 22.5 percent.
"Although (22.5 percent) is still below the minimum target of 30 percent, this achievement is the highest in the history of post-reform elections. Meanwhile, data from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) in 2023 shows that only 17.8 percent of women occupy JPT Madya," he explained.
Supporting this, the Minister of PAN RB, Rini Widyantini, said that joint work needs to be carried out by ministries/institutions in realizing a more inclusive work environment through policy formulation, and supervision.
Based on the data, she said there were 4.7 million ASN, of which 57 percent were women. Although the number of female ASN dominates, their representation in JPT or structural is relatively lower than men.