Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin Inaugurated as Chief Executive of the National Defense Council
Minister of Defense Sjamsoeddin was inaugurated as Chief Executive of the National Defense Council on Monday (16/12/2024). Learn more!
Minister of Defense Sjamsoeddin was inaugurated as Chief Executive of the National Defense Council on Monday (16/12/2024). Learn more!
Minister of Defense (Menhan) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin emphasized that the national strategy carried out by his party is a strategy that sides with the Indonesian people.
The Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin says that his party will form a National Defense Council. The formation of the council, he says, is to boost the state defense and security against all threats.
Minister of Defense (Menhan) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin wants to strengthen defense in Papua to maintain stability in the region and its surrounding areas which is also in line with the development program and improving the welfare of residents in Papua.
Minister of Defense Liutenant General (Ret.) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin has proposed the establishment of a National Defense Council to enhance national security coordination. Read more!