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To Boost State Defense, Govt. Plan to Form National Security Council

By Pramudita Rabu, 27 November 2024 Pengunjung (116) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin says that his party will form a National Defense Council. The formation of the council, he says, is to boost the state defense and security against all threats.

In his statement, he said that the Ministry of Defense's policy was in accordance with President Prabowo Subianto's direction to strengthen the security of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We will strengthen the national strategy policy by forming the mandate of the State Defense Law Article 15. The formation of the National Defense Council is still within the context of how we secure the country's sovereignty," he said on Monday (11/25/2024).

He further added that the Ministry of Defense has a defense and security policy for the next five years. The Ministry of Defense will continue the national strategy, defense strategy, and military strategy in the previous period.

"Looking at the national situation that was conveyed, I want to explain the direction of the development of the country's defense strength that we will work on in the current period, up to the next five years," he concluded.


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