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Dirkrimum of Lampung Police Awards Their Best 13 Personnel of the Month

By Cpiet Kamis, 16 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Lampung. Director of the General Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimum) of the Lampung Police, Commissioner Dr. Reynold Elisa Partomuan Hutagalung, S.E., S.I.K., M.Sc., gave awards to his 13 members of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditkrimum) of the Lampung Police, at the Lampung Police Headquarters, on Wednesday (15/06/22). "The awards given to 13 members who excel in their duties are based on the several criteria in their respective fields for one month," explained Dirkrimum of Lampung Police. The awards are routinely given once in a month to the personnel who. The awardings was first discussed by the Main Officials (PJU) and Dirkrimum of the Lampung Police. "The goal is so that our members can strive to achieve much better and able to excel in their duties," added Dirkrimum of the Lampung Police. For members who have just joined the Ditkrimum of the Lampung Police and those who have just been transferred, they must immediately adapt and carry out their duties properly. "Believe me, if we carry out our duties well, good results will follow. Thank you for your dedication and service, may we always be given success. Prioritize restorative justice, take a proper approach to reduce crime by holding meetings with all parties involved and the representatives of the public in general," concluded Dirkrimum of the Lampung Police.
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