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Polda Maluku Prioritize the 3S Principle

By Cpiet Kamis, 16 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Ambon. Maluku Regional Police held Operation Patuh Salawaku 2022 on a number of roads in Ambon City. During the third day of the operation, Maluku Police continued to prioritize the principle of 3S, Smile (Senyum), Greet (Sapa), and Greetings (Salam) to the community, Wednesday (15/6/2022). The Head of the Traffic Unit (Kasat) of the Traffic Directorate (Ditlantas) of the Maluku Police, Commissioner M. Djati, admitted that apart from 3S, each personnel was also asked to prioritize their own safety. He also asked the personnel to always maintain cohesiveness among fellow officers who carry out the operation in the field. "Continue to implement the 3S principle, always prioritize humane aprroach to the community, and what is more important is to prioritize our cooperation with related agencies," explained Kasat Ditlantas of Maluku Police. "Furthermore, personnel are expected to continue to comply with health protocols," added Kasat Ditlantas of Maluku Police. On the third day of the operation, the police still operate in a number of areas that are considered prone to traffic jams, such as on Sisingamangaraja Street, Losari Beach, Dr Leimena, and in Front of the Ambon Pelni Office. The objectives of the operation are to regulate and smoothen the traffic flow that is considered congested, prioritize public access, and provide appeals to four-wheeled and two-wheeled drivers in obeying traffic regulations.
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