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Gorontalo Polic Held Spiritual and Mental Development Activity Routinely

By Cpiet Sabtu, 04 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Gorontalo Police (Polda Gorontalo) personnel carry out routine spiritual and mental development activities (Binrohtal). Binrohtal activities is indeed very important, considering the duties of Polri members is servants and protectors of the community and the duty that they carried out in the field are expected to be in a humane and ethical manner, Friday, (3/6/22). The Binrohtal, which is held regularly at the Az-Zikra Mosque. The activities was also attended by the main officials of the Gorontalo Police, the NCO, and the Polda Gorontalo personnel. The activity began with the reading of the holy verses of the Qur'an by Alan R Usman, S.Pd., followed by reading Asmahul Husna and lectures from Ustadz Hamdan Zain, S.Fil.I. Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Gorontalo Police, Commissioner Wahyu Tri Cahyono S.I.K., explained that this Binrohtal activity was to increase the faith and devotion of Gorontalo Police personnel. Police Commissioner Wahyu Tri Cahyono S.I.K., also added, with this routine meeting, it is hoped that it can shape the character of Gorontalo Police members to become better and more humane in carrying out their duties as the protectors and public servants. "This Spiritual and Mental Development Activity is a forum to shape the character of the Gorontalo Police personnel to be more humane in serving the community, so that the image of the Police becomes better. We also hope that in carrying out their duties, they can be accounted for in accordance with their duties. This activity is also to provide a spiritual and moral shower for each personnel so that they can become better humans and become a means of self-control,” explained Kabid Humas Polda Gorontalo. "We hope that in addition to getting closer to Allah SWT, they can also carry out their tasks to create a safe and peaceful situation in the region," concluded Kabid Humas Polda Gorontalo.
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