- Jakarta. Constitutional Law Academic and former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshidiqie, gave his appreciation for the performance of the Indonesian National Police (INP) as they had successfully passed the political year in the country from 2023 to 2024.
In the midst of the political year, where election processions were going off from one to another, INP has been accused of not being neutral. This accusation, according to Jimly, could be one of the causes of the decline in public trust in INP.
"The level of trust in INP was declining in 2024. However, now entering 2025, there is an opportunity to boost and gain back the public trust," said Jimly in his statement on Tuesday (12/31/2024) night.
He is also optimistic that under the leadership of the Chief of Police General Pol Listyo Prabowo and the new government, a new fire and spirit from the police and other law enforcers, such as the Attorney General's Office could regain the public's trust by performing better.
"The world of justice is now suffering. Judges who work in the judicial power environment and the world of judicial power and law enforcers in the country are experiencing serious problems. So to fix it, it must start from the police and the prosecutor's office," conclude Jimly.