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Tag 'Kompolnas'


Kompolnas Appreciates INP for Quick Handling of DWP Extortion Case

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) appreciated the Indonesian National Police (INP) for their quick action in handling extortion in the DWP event. In the case, dozens of police personnel are examined by the Police Professional and Security Division for their alleged misconduct.


Kompolnas Appreciates INP for Betah Recruitment System

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) highlights the Clean, Transparent, Accountable and Humanistic (Betah) system which is implemented in the current Indonesian National Police (INP) recruitment system.


The Investigation in West Sumatra Regional Police is Going Properly: Kompolnas Says

National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Daily Chairman Arief Wicaksono Sudiotomo witnessed the trial of the Indonesian Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) against Police Assistant Superintendent Dadang Iskandar. The KKEP trial was held in relation to the shooting case that occurred in the yard of the South Solok Sub-regional Police.


General Sigit Appreciates the 2020-2024 Kompolnas Commissioner for Their Dedication

The Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo appreciates the commissioner of National Police Commission (Kompolnas) of 2020 - 2024 who has finished their duties in supervising INP.


Kompolnas Supports INP Effort in Eradicating Online Gambling

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) appreciates the Indonesian National Police (INP) for their quick action in uncovering online gambling case. The uncovering of the Ministry of Communication and Digital online gambling case demonstrates INP relentless and merciless actions against criminals.


Lemkapi Expects Proper and Excellent Supervision from the New Kompolnas

The Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) expects all newly inaugurated National Police Commission (Kompolnas) commissioners to improve supervision of the Indonesian National Police (INP).


Prabowo Inaugurates New Seven Officials of National Police Commission

President Prabowo Subianto inaugurated Budi Gunawan and Tito Karnavian as the National Police Commission Chairman and National Police Commission Deputy Chairman. The appointment was based on Presidential Decree Number 80/M/2024 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Membership of the National Police Commission.


Kompolnas Expects Good Performance from INP Corruption Eradication Corps

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) hopes that the Corruption Eradication Corps (Kortas Tipikor) of the Indonesian National Police (INP) can immediately work to combat corruption cases well.


Kompolnas Hopes Military and Police Continue to Maintain Neutrality During Election in Papua

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) hopes police would continue to maintain their neutrality during the Regional Head Election in Papua. This step is also to guarantee the election goes smoothly.


Kompolnas Confirms No Warning Shots Given When Dispersing Brawl in Bekasi

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) confirmed that there were no warning shots from the police when breaking up teenagers who were about to brawl in one of the huts near Kali Bekasi. This was confirmed after Kompolnas supervised the handling of the case at the Bekasi City Sub-regional Police.


Kompolnas Praises Police for Arresting Murder Suspect in Padang Pariaman - Jakarta. The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) praised the swift action of th

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