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Tag 'Rizky Guntama'


Police Conveys Bad Driving Habit Play a Factor in Traffic Congestions

The police revealed the cause of severe traffic jams in the Puncak area, Bogor Regency, West Java, from Sunday (9/15/2024) to Monday morning (9/16/2024) due to massive increase in traffic volume. The traffic jam phenomenon also went viral on social media in various videos.


Tourist Died in Vacation After Spending Holiday in Mas Mountain

The police confirmed that a tourist died during the Mas Mountain Agrotourism in Puncak Bogor, Sunday (9/16/2024). The tourist was named Nimih (56) from Cipayung, East Jakarta.


Slight Congestions in Bogor Due to Government’s Crackdown on Illegal Buildings: Police Report

Police admit there is slight congestion in Puncak Highway, Bogor, this morning. This is due to the local government's crackdown on illegal buildings.

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