- Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) held the Ceremony of Rank Promotion Report of January 1st, 2025 at INP Main Meeting Room. In this activity, a total of 10,548 police officers are promoted for their excellent dedication and service to the people.
Head of the Public Information Bureau of INP, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that this promotion was a form of appreciation for the achievements made by members of INP.
“This promotion is not just a reward, but also a responsibility. We expect they will continue to improve their dedication and work in carrying out their duties as the civil servants,” says Trunoyudo.
Trunoyudo also adds that INP continues to be committed to creating a quality Human Resource that can answer the future challenges.
“We believe, with the spirit of Precision, INP will continue to be the institution that is professional and trusted by the public,” conclude Trunoyudo.