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Tag 'evacuation'


Mobile Brigade Corps Move Fast in Evacuating Flood Victims in East Jakarta

Heavy Rain poured down Jakarta, causing rivers to overflow and embankments to break, flooding several areas. The water has inundated people's homes with a height of approximately three meters.


Police Evacuate 130 Infants and Elderly from Cililitan Floods

The Jakarta Metro Jaya Regional  Police’s Mobile Brigade Search and Rescue (SAR) team rescued 130 flood victims, including infants, the elderly, and the sick, from Gang Setiawan, Cililitan, East Jakarta. Read more.


Heavy Equipments and K9 Units Deployed to Search the Missing Flood Victims in Nangawera

The joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team is still trying to find five flood victims who went missing in Nangawera Village, Wera District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).


Police and Locals Work Together in Evacuating Speed Boat in Labuan Bajo

Police and residents evacuate a speedboat that ran aground in the waters of Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), (1/31/2025).


Police, Military, Locals, Work Together in Clearing Road Access to Two Hamlets

A joint military-police team together with the locals cleared the access to two hamlets which were initially isolated due to being buried by landslide materials in Pekalongan, Central Java. The two hamlets are Dranan Hamlet and Sipetung Hamlet.


Police Close Roads Near Kemayoran Fire to Aid Evacuation

The Damai Cartenz Operation Task Force has firmly rejected claims that the joint security forces have used the Ephesus GIDI Church in Oksop District in Papua as a military post or logistics hub. Learn more.


Police, Military, and Locals Work Together to Clear the Medan-Brastagi Road Access

Police ensure that efforts to clear fallen trees that blocked access roads to Brastagi, North Sumatra (Sumut), have been carried out. The evacuation and cleaning were carried out in collaboration with the military.


Hydrometeorological Disaster Hits Banyumas, Affect Several Areas

Banyumas Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Acting Head Budi Nugroho states that a hydrometeorological disaster hit a number of areas in Banyumas, Central Java due to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds that occurred since Friday evening.


Police Successfully Rescue Emergency Patient from the Middle of the Sea to Hospital

Search and Rescue unit of Batalyon A of Mobile Brigade Unit of East Kalimantan Regional Police heroically evacuates emergency patients in the middle of the sea on Tuesday (1/7/2025).


Foreign Ministry to Evacuate Another 96 Citizens from Syria Soon

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs  announced plans to evacuate another 96 Indonesian citizens  from Syria in the near future. Read more!


Indonesian Embassy Evacuates 37 Citizens from Syria

The Indonesian Embassy in Damascus has evacuated 37 Indonesian citizens from Syria following a recent political power shift in the country.  Learn more!


INP Lead Rescue Efforts for Mothers and Infants Amid Sukabumi Floods

The Indonesian National  Police lead the disaster response teams to evacuate mothers and infants stranded in severe flash floods that hit multiple districts in Sukabumi, West Java.

Showing 1 to 12 of 23 results

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