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Cianjur Earthquake Casualties Adds Up After a Body was Found

By Cpiet Jumat, 02 Desember 2022 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id -  The casualties of Cianjur earthquake has increased after a body was found in Cicadas area, Cijedil Village, Thursday (12/1). Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said, that the total casualties of Cianjur earthquake is 329 people. "The death toll has increased by one, bringing the death toll to 329," stated Cianjur Regent as quoted from a press conference broadcasted on BNPB Indonesia's YouTube. The Cianjur Regent said the number of injured are 595 people. This number is still the same as the previous day. "The number of seriously injured victims who are still being treated at all hospitals in Cianjur is 59 people," said the Cianjur Regent. The Cianjur Regent added that while the number of missing victims was recorded at 11 people. This figure is reduced by one person from the previous day. The search for victims had experienced problems with aftershocks and rainy weather in the location. "Because of the weather and two aftershocks, the search by National Search and Rescue team quite get hampered a little bit and hopefully tomorrow the missing can be found," said the Regent. Cianjur.
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