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Indonesian Military Initiates Compensation for Blast-Affected Residents

By Cpiet Sabtu, 06 April 2024 Pengunjung (11) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Indonesian Military Commander General Maruli Simanjuntak announced the ongoing compensation process for residents affected by the recent Ammunition Warehouse explosion in Ciangsana Village, Bogor, West Java, on Friday (5/4/2024). The initiative aims to assist households dealing with damages from the incident. While specific details on compensated households and payouts remain unspecified, the process is actively underway. 31 houses suffered damage, including broken windows and cracked ceilings, as per Bogor administration records. Acting Regent Asmawa Tosepu set a 14-day assessment period for coordinating mitigation efforts. Collaboration with the West Java and Central governments is ongoing to address housing damages. Commander Agus assured affected households of compensation, with authorities already gathering crucial data.
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