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Tag 'Ministry of Culture'


Indonesian Music Must be Introduced to the World: Fadli Zon Says

Minister of Culture Fadli Zon emphasized that Indonesian music has a very wide and diverse wealth in range and genre, reflecting the diversity of culture and ethnicity in the archipelago, so it needs to be introduced to the world.


Fadli Zon Optimistic Indonesia Can be the World’s Cultural Capital

Minister of Culture Fadli Zon said that the diversity of cultural expressions in various regions in Indonesia is capable of making the country the world's cultural capital.


Minister Fadli Zon Plans to Build Majapahit Museum in Grobogan

The Cultural Affairs Minister of Indonesia, Fadli Zon, plans to build Majapahit Museum in Grobogan Village, East Java.


Culture Ministry Will Work on Spreading Cinema Screens Across the Country

The Ministry of Culture is working to equalize the number of cinema screens across all regions, increasing the availability of cinema screens in the regions so that film viewing is not only concentrated in big cities.

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