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72 Ex-Terrorist Pledged Their Loyalty to Indonesia

By Cpiet Kamis, 25 April 2024 Pengunjung (31) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Bogor. A total of 72 ex-terrorist pledged their loyalty to the Unitary State of Indonesian Republic in Gunung Sindur II A Correctional Facilities, Bogor, West Java, Wednesday (4/24/2024).

The acting Director General of Correction, Reynhard Silitonga says that the former terrorists are from nine correctional facilities.

Reynhard hopes that those who have returned and vow their pledge of loyalty to Indonesia would be good citizens who have good relationships among others.

“Thank you to related stakeholders, BNPT, Special Detachment 88, Home Affairs Ministry, BIN, BPIP, Regional Government, and other social organizations for the support in correcting them in the correctional facilities,” thanked Reynhard on Wednesday (4/24/2024).

According to the April 23rd, 2024 data, there are 347 terrorist prisoner who are spread into 61 correctional facilities throughout Indonesia.


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