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Village Assistants Exist to Realize People-Based Government

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (2847) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar reminds the presence of village assistants are to realize a government based on people.

"Which means, that in developing villages, we must prioritize public participation. Without their participation, we cannot monitor the huge village fund allocation," said Abdul Halim on Monday (7/29/2024).

Halim says that one of the ways in boosting public participation is through village assistants. Therefore, village assistants are required to have the basic skills for development and empowerment purposes.

"Sometimes people failed to realize that village assistants are not angels, where they can do everything," reminds Halim.

On the other hand, he also reminds village assistants to continue improve their skills although it is impossible to master them all. This means that they should have sufficient knowledge to understand the challenges faced by the denizens.

"They were asked to develop the village, administer village health, support economic empowerment programs, and eventually they were called village assistants. This is a logical consequences for the village assistants," explains Minister Halim.

Moreover, Halim says that in every minsterial and institution, there must be a core pilar. And in Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, there are three core pilars, they are minister, bureaucracy, and village assistants.


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