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INP Chief Appreciates Muhammadiyah Role Active in Maintaining Situation during Election

By Cpiet Kamis, 25 April 2024 Pengunjung (34) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo expresses his gratitude for the big family of Muhammadiyah for their active role in maintaining conduciveness and order during the 2024 General Election process.

The appreciation is expressed during his visit to the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership in Jakarta Muhammadiyah University, Ciputat, on Wednesday (4/24/2024).

“From the various things happening, from difference in opinion, difference in choices, we have to be grateful that in general the security condition is under control, and it is partly thanks to the big family of Muhammadiyah,” said INP Chief Listyo.

He admits that he had asked the help of Muhammadiyah when the social situation was in disarray.

“Muhammadiyah also actively maintains the stability and order of the public. Unity is something that we have to protect together,” Listyo says.

On the other hand, the maturity in politics of Indonesian has improved a lot amidst the difference of opinions.


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