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Beware, the Number of Khilafatul Muslimin is Keep Growing

By Cpiet Senin, 13 Juni 2022 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The police continue to develop the Khilafatul Muslimin case, as evidenced by the recent arrests of several of its members in Bandar Lampung. There were surprising things that were obtained from the arrest of several members of the Khilafatul Muslimin in Bandar Lampung. This discovery illustrates how far the Khilafatul Muslimin movement has come in expanding its influence in society. This was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner Endra Zulpan, S.I.K, M.Sc., regarding the discovery of ten of thousands of Citizen Identification Number (NIW). "There is some intriguing finding, where they have made a citizen identification number (NIW) to replace the E-KTP issued by the Indonesian government," explained Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya. Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya also revealed the magnitude of this group was based on the findings. “Based on the findings of NIW, we found there are many Khilafatul Muslimin members throughout Indonesia, which until this afternoon we have found numbering tens of thousands of members," said Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya. In addition, the police also confiscated a fantastic amount of money during the radi of Khilafatul Muslimin in Bandar Lampung. It is known that the money confiscated by the police during the arrest reached Rp2.3 Billion hidden in some of the existing vaults. The arrests of members of the Khilafatul Muslimin did occur in several places such as Bandar Lampung, Bekasi and Cikarang. This happened after the head of the Khilafatul Muslimin was arrested and all available information was developed.
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