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INP Inspects the Preparations of Greater Malang Police for 2024 Election

By Cpiet Sabtu, 27 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Surabaya. In anticipation of the upcoming 2024 elections, Brigadier General Dr. Rudi Antariksawan, the Director of theĀ  Security Unit of the Security Maintenance and Order Division of the Indonesian National Police (INP), inspected the preparation of forces and equipment in the lead-up to the electoral process in Malang. The assessment included a scrutiny of t the Malang City Sub-regional Police, the Malang Sub-regional Police, and the Batu Sub-regional Police. "Three police offices are under our observation to assess their preparation for both the upcoming 2024 elections and the post-election period," he said during his supervisory visit on Friday (16/1/2024). Director Dr. Rudi also urged them to remain vigilant and prepared to respond to any potential incidents. In addition, he requested the establishment of posts in each area to facilitate the exchange of information related to public order and security. "The 2024 elections are a national agenda that must proceed smoothly and securely. Therefore, allĀ  police offices in Greater Malang must be prepared at all times, serving a preventive function to ensure a safe electoral process," General Dr. Rudi asserted. (ar/bg/pr/nm)
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