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NCS Operation Chief Visits Gus Baha to Ensure Peaceful 2024 Elections

By Cpiet Kamis, 01 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (11) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id -  Rembang. In a bid to foster harmony and peace during the upcoming 2024 elections, the Operation Chief of the Nusantara Cooling System (NCS) at the Indonesian National Police (INP), Inspector General Asep Edi Suheri, paid a visit to the residence of cleric Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim, widely known as Gus Baha, in Narukan Village, Rembang, Central Java. "Gus Baha and Gus Umam received us warmly. The INP, particularly the Nusantara Cooling System Operation, encourages all elements of Indonesian society to contribute to creating a safe and peaceful election. Let's uphold unity, which is the essence of the Indonesian nation," he said in a statement on Wednesday (31/1/2024). Chief Asep emphasized the importance of avoiding identity politics, spreading hoaxes, and engaging in issues that could divide the unity of the nation, antaranews.com reported. During the visit, Gus Baha offered prayers for the INP  success in securing the 2024 elections, wishing for a peaceful and harmonious electoral process. As the head of the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School and the Educational Institution for the Development of Qur'anic Sciences (LP3IA), Gus Baha called on the public to maintain wisdom, respect differences of opinion, uphold security, and participate in a fair election process. During his visit, Chief Asep was accompanied by Deputy Operation Chief of NCS Brigadier General Yuyun Yudhantara, NCS Preventive Task Force Chief Brigadier General Himawan Bayu Aji, NCS Public Relations Task Force Chief Brigadier General Gatot Repli Handoko, NCS Preemptive Task Force Deputy Chief Senior Superintendent Dwi Suryo Cahyono, and Administration Affairs Operation Chief of NCS Senior Superintendent Budi Hermawan. These routine visits to religious and community leaders are part of the NCS Police's ongoing efforts with the goal of promoting a safe, peaceful, and smooth 2024 election process. (ar/inp/pr/nm)
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