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Provisions for the People Affected by the Increase in Fuel Price

By Cpiet Jumat, 09 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police provided daily supplies to people who were directly affected by the increase in fuel prices. For three days, thousands of food supplies have been distributed by the NTB Police and its ranks to the community, ranging from motorcycle taxi drivers, parking attendants, street sweepers, market traders to fishermen. "In total there are 2,056 food supplies that have been distributed. What we did was part of our concern for the people who directly feel the impact of the rising fuel prices," explained the NTB Police Chief, Thursday (10/9/22). NTB Police Chief Inspector General. Pol. Drs. Djoko Poerwanto, explained that the thousands food supplies that had been distributed came from the NTB Police with 700 packages of basic necessities, the Mataram Police with 125 food supplies, the West Lombok Police with 500 supplies, the North Lombok Police with 100 supplies, the Central Lombok Police with 76 supplies, and the East Lombok Police with 90 supplies. Then, on Sumbawa Island, the West Sumbawa Police gave 90 food supplies, then 85 food supplies from the Sumbawa Police, 100 supplies from the Dompu Police, and 60 supplies from the Bima Police. "The package includes 5 kg of rice, 2 liters of cooking oil, 5 packs of Supermie, 1 bottle of soy sauce, 1 bottle of sauce, one box of tea, and 1 kg of sugar," added the NTB Police Chief. Not only motorcycle taxi drivers and parking attendants, fishermen who are in the middle of the sea also given the free food supplies by the NTB Police. Using a boat, officers searched the fishermen around the Lembar Harbor, West Lombok. The fishermen who received the assistance immediately welcomed the good intentions of the officer. According to Head Ops of NTB Police, Commissioner Abu Bakar Tertusi, the distribution of food supplies in the middle of the sea is deliberately done so that they could see directly that the distribution are right on target
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