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Tag 'Ade Rachmat Idnal'


The Mother of the Father and Grandma Murderer Examines by the Police

South Jakarta Metro Police investigators (Jaksel) examine the mother of a child who murdered his father and grandmother.


Kid Who Murders Father and Grandma Known to be Polite: Police Confirms

The police stated that the neighbors around the location of the incident said that the boy who killed his father and grandmother is a polite kid. In this case, the perpetrator has been named as a child in conflict with the law.


CCTV Cameras Proved Risich Hanif Passed Away Not Due to Physical Contact

The police denied information that there was physical contact during the land dispute execution of the house of Risich Hanif, who is the son of the former Minister of Public Works. The execution itself was carried out by the South Jakarta District Court.

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