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Tag 'Health Ministry'


Quality Medical Education as Solution to State Challenges

Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro emphasized that quality and relevant medical education is needed as a solution to the nation's challenges.


TB Early Detection is Key to Eliminate the Disease

The Health Ministry says early detection is the key in eliminating Tuberculosis (TB) from Indonesia which the number has been going down year by year.


Treated as Common Disease, Public Appealed to Not Worry in Facing the HMPV

The Vice Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono calls the public to not worry about the Human metapneumovirus (HMPV).


Health Ministry to Built Hospitals at Remote Areas in 2026

The Health Ministry aims to build 66 hospitals in regencies and cities who do not have the type C Hospital, which mostly at Remote Border Islands Areas (DTPK) and as many as 32 will be completed in 2026.


Health Ministry to Immediately Launched Quick Win to Boost RSUD Capacity

The government will upgrade the quality of regional general hospitals (RSUD) in 66 remote and underdeveloped districts and cities from Type D to C to ensure more comprehensive and quality health services as an effort to accelerate one Quick Win program.


Jokowi Inaugurates Health Ministry Hospital in Surabaya

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurates the Hospital of Health Ministry as the cause of death in East Java are stroke, cardiac arrest, and cancer.

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