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Tag 'natural disaster'


Poured by Heavy Rains, Cidadap Bridge Collapse

Cidadap Bridge was severely damaged after being hit by heavy rain on Thursday (6/3/25) night.


Police Move Fast in Helping People Affected by Tidal Flood in Kupang

The Marine and Air Directorate of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police provided humanitarian assistance to the coastal community of Tablolong Beach, West Kupang District, Kupang Regency, who were affected by tidal flooding, Wednesday (2/5/2025).


Police Quick Response in Handling Disaster in Tarakan, North Kalimantan

The North Kalimantan Regional Police Mobile Brigade Corps responded quickly to information from the public about the landslide disaster in several areas of Tarakan City on Wednesday (1/29/2025)


Police, Military, Locals, Work Together in Clearing Road Access to Two Hamlets

A joint military-police team together with the locals cleared the access to two hamlets which were initially isolated due to being buried by landslide materials in Pekalongan, Central Java. The two hamlets are Dranan Hamlet and Sipetung Hamlet.


Joint Security Forces and Related Institutions On Standy By Following Disaster in Pelawan

Pelalawan Sub-regional Police Chief, Superintendent Afrizal Asri accompanied Regent Zukri in directly reviewing the flood location in East Sumatra Cross Road (Jalintim) in Pelalawan, Riau. Also present at the review was DPRD Chairman Syafrizal.


BNPB Urges Java to Stay Alert for Natural Disasters Through Early 2025

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has called for heightened vigilance in Java as increased rainfall poses a significant natural disaster risk until early 2025. Read more!

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