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West Java Police Community Development Visit Schools to Convey Security Messages

By Cpiet Selasa, 06 September 2022 Pengunjung (5) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Through the Community Development Unit of the Lemahwungkuk Police, visited schools to educate the students about violence in the school environment while also conveying security messages to the students and the teachers. the Harkamtibmas appeal. The Head Unit of Lemahwungkuk Police Community Development, Ipda Maman S, and Brigadier Jaenal Ar, visits and interacts with the students of Cirebon 10 Junior High School, on Monday (05/09/2022). The Head of Public Relations of West Java Police, Commissioner Ibrahim Tompo, welcomed and appreciate the activity taken by the personnel of Lemahwungkuk Police. “What was carried out by the Leakwungkuk Police Sector personnel showed that the Police were close to being friendly with the students. As well as a form of our concern for the next generation of this nation," said the Cirebon Police Chief, AKBP Fahri Siregar. "The personnel educate the students regarding violence in the school environment,” he continued. "In addition, the personnel also told the children regarding bullying among students, that bullying are all forms of oppression or violence that are intentionally carried out by one person or group of people who are stronger or more powerful against another person, with the aim of hurting and done continuously,” explained the Police Chief. The principal of the school, Sahlan, expressed his gratitude for the personnel in lecturing and educating his students about violence. “I am very proud and so thankful for the help and socialization that has been given by the police to our students,” he thanked the personnel. The personnel also said to the students about the danger of drugs and bike gangs. He also implores the student to always comply with the health protocols by using masks, wash the hands, and keep their distance between each other.
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