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Coordinating Minister AHY Urges All Parties to Join Together in Waste Management Handling

By Admin INP Kamis, 13 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (87) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, emphasized the importance of public awareness in protecting and nurturing the environment. 

According to him, this is the basis for joint efforts in handling waste that floods the communities.

Agus, or commonly called by his nickname of AHY, says this awareness will further improve the sense of calling to protect the environment in the community as waste management cannot be done by one or two parties.

“We should aim to improve public awareness and actively invite all communities to join in nurturing our environment,” says AHY on Wednesday (3/12/2025).

AHY notes that the public are at the forefront in handling waste management, moreover the 
people near the Final Disposal Site (TPA).

“Regions who serves as the forefront in this issue have also prepared their facilities, such as the TPA facilities in managing the waste,” 


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