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Indonesia to Change the Name of Isa Al Masih to Jesus Christ in Christians and Catholics Holidays

By Cpiet Rabu, 31 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian President Joko Widodo released Presidential Decree that will change the reference of Isa Al Masih to Jesus Christ for all of his commemoration days. According to the copy of Presidential Secretariat document, the decree was listed in Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2024 concerning Holidays signed by President Jokowi per January 29th, 2024. The Vice Minister of Religion, Saiful Rahmat Dasuki says the changing from Isa Al Masih to Jesus Christ on Indonesian National Holidays was based on the suggestions from Christians and Catholics. “This is a suggestion from the Christians and Catholics for the names to be changed into what they believe, in which are the Birth of Jesus Christ, the death of Jesus Christ, and the ascension of Jesus Christ," said the Deputy Minister of Religion, Tuesday (30/1/24). In the Presidential Secretariat document, there are considerations that backs the decision which the mechanism of holidays is still in several Presidential Decrees and requires synchronization. Furthermore, the mechanism of holidays as was stated previously, should accommodate and adapt with the public and law dynamics. With the considerations, the holidays which previously used the name of Isa Al Masih will be changed to Jesus Christ. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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