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INP Chief Praises Joint Forces for  Susi Air Pilot's Release

By Admin 1 Minggu, 22 September 2024 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo praised  on Saturday (21/9/2024) the joint efforts of the INP and the Indonesian Military (TNI) in the release of Susi Air pilot Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, who had been held hostage for over a year by an armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua.

Captain Mehrtens was abducted on 7 February  2023, and was finally released on 21 September 2024, after being held for 1 year and 7 months.

"Thanks to the President’s directive to secure the release of the New Zealand pilot, and through the hard work of the entire team, the mission has been completed successfully. Today, the pilot is back in good health," said Chief Sigit, as quoted by antaranews.com..

The joint operation, codenamed Paro and Damai Cartenz, was responsible for the rescue. Chief Sigit extended his congratulations to all the INP and TNI  members involved.

Brigadier General Faizal Ramadhani, the Deputy Chief of Papua Regional Police and the Head of Operation Damai Cartenz 2024, emphasized that the team prioritized a soft approach, engaging religious leaders and local figures to ensure minimal casualties and the pilot’s safety.

Before returning home, Captain Mehrtens will undergo medical and psychological evaluations to ensure his well-being.



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