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INP Personnel Demonstrates Food Self-Sufficient Effort Through Satisfying Yields

By Pramudita Selasa, 03 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (136) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. In support of the Asta Cita Program and the priority of 2045 Golden Indonesia, the Indonesian National Police (INP) through the 2024 Damai Cartenz Ops continue to contribute in developing food security in Papua. Such contribution was shown in the field of Brigadier Victor Merani in Malompo Village, who is able to provide food for the people around.

Victor has harvested long beans with very satisfying results. The harvest results show the effectiveness of the family yard-based food security approach initiated by the Police.

Head of the Damai Cartenz Public Relations Task Force, Senior Superintendent Bayu Suseno affirmed that the food self-sufficiency program is part of the national effort in pushing the realization of food self-sufficient. In his statement, Victor also conveyed his hope that his yields could be an inspiration for others, particularly the indigenous Papuans, to make use of their lands for food.

“What we do here hopefully can be an inspiration and motivation for others to gardening and farming using the existing yard. This can help the family economy and even support government programs of Asta Cita and realize the 2045 Golden Indonesia," explained Victor Merani.

The harvest from this garden not only provides economic benefits but also becomes a symbol of the success of the cooperation between the Police and the community in realizing food independence in Papua.


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